Warranty Information

Canadian Canine products are guaranteed to the original owner against defects in materials and workmanship for the reasonable life of the item.

Before shipping your product back for repair or replacement you must obtain a Return Authorization number from a Canadian Canine representative. Items returned without Return Authorization Number will not be accepted.

To receive a Return Authorization Number, please email us at online@terraoutdoorgear.com. You may be asked to provide pictures of the problem area on the item so that we can determine the best course of action for you. Please keep in mind we try to answer your emails as soon as possible, but during peak times of the year, it may take us up to 5 business days to process your request.

Once you have contacted Canadian Canine and an RA# has been issued please follow these steps to complete the warranty process:

  1. Write your Return Authorization Number in large numbers on the outside of the shipping package so that we can easily identify it when it arrives at our facility. 
  2. Ship your item back via your Postal Service or carrier of your choice.
  3. Include in the package the original sales receipt.
  4. Ensure the item is clean before shipping. 
  5. Ship the item back to Canadian canine

Canadian Canine
165 Colonnade Rd. South
Ottawa, Ontario
K2E 7J4

International Shipping (outside of Canada)

All items must be shipped as warranty items/repair with a declared value of $1 per item. Failing to follow this will result in the parcel being declined and shipped back at the shipper’s expense. Please further indicate that these are Canadian goods returning to Canada.

For any questions please feel free to contact online@terraoutdoorgear.com. Not properly following the above directions could result in the parcel being returned to sender at their cost.